is a game that demands tactical skills to evaluate and enhance your shooting skills. You have the opportunity to participate in online games with players from various countries in a digital arena. Pay attention to the map and get your soldier ready for battle.
How to Play
- Click the mouse's left button to shoot
- Use the right-click for targeting
- Use R for refreshing
- Use the C key to lower
- Make use of P to pause briefly
- To change weapons, press keys 1 through 9
- Begin a conversation by pressing the letter T and use the enter key to transmit your messages
- Hit the Space key to make the character leap
- Press and hold the shift key to activate the running feature
- Use the Tab key to reach the menu
- Start by creating a gaming room before getting started. You can choose to give the room a name, set the maximum number of players, and select the game mode.
- You have the choice to pick either Free For All (FFA) or Team mode. If you're not interested in creating your own room, you can choose to join one that has already been made by other players.
- Next, select the map you prefer for the game. A selection of 11 maps, including Sanctum, Yarimar, Sumerra, Tabourma, and more, are available for players to choose from.
- Select a map that aligns with your preferred style of gameplay, as each one offers a unique setting.
- Before you start, choose your weapons. Various weapons are available for use such as the Ballistic Knife, Deagle, MP5KA4, STW-25, RPG, and more.
- Choose the weapons that match your strategy and playstyle preferences.
- After playing the game, you can check your performance in the statistics tab. This section records important information like the number of games you've played, wins, eliminations, and total points.
- Monitoring your progress by tracking your advancements and successes in the game is a great way to stay updated.
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